Did you know that you can use clip art for your POD or KDP shop? Using clip art helps you get designs faster and cheaper compared to hiring an artist. When using clip art there are many designs out there so you don't have to worry. There are many niches and styles to choose from.  

 Using these sites will up your game when selling products. Your products will look more professional compared to when you get free images from public domain sites. These two sites are much safer because you get a license to use the image so you will not have to worry too much about getting in trouble with copying a design. But I would advise you to double-check to make sure that you get the correct license the sites have different licenses to choose from. Get the license that will fit you and your business. 

2 Sits that I mainly use are: 

Creative Market:  

Creative Market is one of the more known sites to get clip art and has one of the largest selections of commercial clip art you can find online. With Creative Market you have the option to buy clip art with a standard license or an extended license. Creative market's designs look more professional and because of this, it is not that cheap. With Creative Market you can message the creator of the clip art. 

Creative Fabrica:

If you are on a budget I would say you should consider using Creative Fabrica. Even though the designs may be cheaper than Creative Market they too have some amazing illustrations. And best of most of the products have commercial licenses that you can use for your POD and KDP products. To understand more on what you can and can't do read the license explanations. If you are planning to buy multiple illustrations I would advise you to get a subscription to Creative Fabrica. 


Well one you pay the $29.99 a month you will get unlimited downloads for any product on Creative Fabrica. The price may sound expensive at first but considering that the cost of clipart is $5-15 this is a steal. If you will be using this to make into your POD or KDP products $29.99 will be a small price to pay to get create different designs. Just think how many products you will be able to make and sell.