It has been a while I have been working on other projects. This is one of projects that I have been doing it is a KDP book. Have any of you heard about KDP? Well KDP is Kindle Direct Publishing this is's e-book self publishing. So I looked at youtube to learn more about what is KDP. After watching some videos about this I decided to make my animal alphabet collection into a coloring book. Using KDP to earn more from my art sounds like a good idea.

To make the coloring book I used two programs Photoshop and InDesign. The coloring book that I made is 8x10. The way I did this is I started off with Photoshop with the dimensions of 7.24x9.4 inches. After that I place a border around the canvas then transferred the line art of my illustrations after that I add the letters for each of the animals. I also made a cover pager for the book. Then I saved the illustration of the interior as a JPF and the cover illustration as a PDF.  

Once I fished doing this to all of the animal in my animal alphabet collection. I opened  InDesign. With the dimensions of 8x10 inches with margins top and bottom .3inches  inside is .425 and .33 for the outside with 108 pages. Then all I had to do next was to open my folder where my image files were saved and drag the illustrations to InDesign. When all of the illustrations were finished I saved the file as 


After all the files were saved as PDF it was time to upload them to Amazon KDP. After I  uploaded the file and place the necessary information about the book and uploaded it to Amazon KDP. Then you will just have to wait for your book to be approved. For me I waited for about two days. The the title of the coloring book I made is Animal Alphabet: Coloring Book and Letter Tracing form A to Z. check it out!

Track: Levianth & Zeus X Crona - Collide (feat. Zoya) [Magic Release]
Music Provided By: Magic Records
Listen To The Original:

Song : Daystar - Night /